August 12, 2014

Pangkor Island

Let's go Pangkor! Okay, sure, when? That's how we ended up having this trip.
Together with three other church youths, we departed our hostel and went for breakfast at 8.30am and bought some stuff before the journey starts. It is around 10am when we leave Kampar to Lumut. We stopped by Tesco at Sri Iskandar(somewhere near Lumut) to buy some snacks for this 2days 1night.

Welcome to Jeti Lumut ! 
We parked our car(RM0.60/per hour) and had a 3mins walk to the ticket counter and saw a ferry just leave from the parking building when we arrive. Immediately we buy the ferry ticket(RM10/round trip), waited for 30mins, walk and visit shops in Lumut and bought our lunch to eat at Pangkor island. a few tables set infront of the ticket counter. They're people from snorkeling companies. We had our deal with Horizon, RM100 for 4pax.

Departed at 12.45pm and

 Arrived Jeti Pangkor at 1.18pm.
This is what you'll see when you walk out of the jeti. PINK colour taxi! It took us around 20mins to reach Pangkor Bay View Resort(RM160/per night) at Teluk Nipah which costs RM15 per trip.
Check-in, put our stuff down, get change and ciao to snorkeling.

Boat trip to Pulau Mentagor, Pulau Giam, Coral beach, Man bay and a few more.
Out to the sea! after visiting a few places, we had snorkeling at Pulau Giam for 2.5hours. It was my first time snorkeling and it was not bad. We had some bread for the fishes from Horizon. It was really nice feeding them and we also went to the furthest we can to enjoy and to see fishes. Some friends were expecting to see corals and more fishes with clearer water. A little disappointment. And the rocks are way too slippery. so, say hi to wounds. Pulau Giam is not too dirty. Yes, there are still some rubbish. So, it will be much better if all tourist were to take care of our mother nature.  
That ends our day with Horizon at 5.30pm. We then went back to our resort to clean ourselves and have mask after going under the sun for such long hours. 

 Dont know what to eat. walk and walk and walk. ended up in this shop at 7.30pm for dinner. we decided to eat and little here and there. So, we ordered 2 bowls of grilled cockles - kerang bakar(RM10), 2 plates of fried rice - nasi goreng kampung(RM10) and 4 glasses of drinks(RM6). The kerang bakar is really nice and we found out that other shops sell at the same price but with a smaller bowl. The sauce, the sauce is really really really delicious. It is for kerang but you can also serve it with fried rice. It tastes really nice if like spicy food. if you're facing the sea, this shop is the first shop from the left.

 Nice stop at jagung bakar, RM2.50 each. Smells good, taste good! (y)

Hungry? still want to eat? 
While walking down the street, we saw a number of shop selling sting ray, squid, different type of fishes, kerang and more. After asking(survey), this shop sells fresher and cheaper seafood. We ordered one sting ray(RM18) and a plate of squid(RM20). Macam mana masak? rebus bakar dengan byk sambal. We had out seats at the back facing the sea with a nice view, sound of wave and wind. This shop is on my right from my resort.

We went straight to the sea side to look for 蓝眼泪  as planned. But we got pretty upset when we dont see any. So discourage to continue looking for it. And one of my friend then took something from the sand when we were talking about the foreign tourists that are swimming in the sea, as we feel that it is dangerous. Anyway, we thought she was lying, but, Yes, it is what we are looking for! We were so happy and started looking for more. we also make friend with those foreigners as they came to see what is going on. Had a nice chat and yamcha with them before heading back to hostel. 

This is how we ended out first day in pangkor around 2am.


We woke up quite early but just lying in the bed because we all were kinda lazy to brush up and get prepare for the day. We only had our breakfast at 11.30am by the sea side.
4 crabs for RM20, 14 goreng pisang for RM6 and keropok lekor for RM4.
They did not really clean the crabs. It is kinda dirty actually. But still we ate like nobody's business. haha. Breakfast was satisfactory, kinda good. We dont have any plan after that and we dont know what to do either. Nothing much in Teluk Nipah and we need to call a taxi to go other places if we want to. No direction. So we just went took pictures at the sea side and playing with the water. We got bored and head back to resort. We stayed there for a while and we know we cant waste our time like that. Out again for kelapa muda but it was too expensive and we met those france friends coincidentally.
 Spent the whole morning till 2pm here. Played uno and went do to the sea to swim and play. It was really fun and nice swimming in the sea. I really miss the morning. Swimming in the sea was really fun! Really really fun! if you think i sounded like i'm a good swimmer, opps, sorry, i only know frog style. haha. Anyhow, at least i know how to swim and with the guidance of friends i try to swim further and further. Be extra careful when swimming in the sea too, we need to know our limit to avoid any thing to happen yeah. One and only thing that i really dislike is the taste of the sea. It is way too salty. The fact is that all sea are salty. so i cant complain much. if not i'll sound like a stupid isnt it. After using up our energy swimming, everyone is hungry. Hello lunch. the last thing we did before we leave. We called taxi back at our resort at 4.30pm. 
Is time to say goodbye. Sat on the ferry and reached Jeti Lumut at 5.30pm. Get on the car to Sri Iskandar for dinner at a malay restaurant. Reached our hostel around 9pm on Sunday. That's how we spent our lovely weekends.

weekend gateway

April 01, 2014

We shall start now

There's a head, there's a body and there's a conclusion in everything we do. So i can't be running away from the intro. I've stop blogging for quite some time but i start typing my feelings and thoughts in microsoft words which i think it is safer and better. That's the past, and yes, here i am today for some reasons. Honestly, there are too many things that i would like to blog about and have been thinking which is the best for my first blog. Language, language came to my mind first.

I don't master in any of the language i know. If you want me to talk about story relating to language, i think i had a lot of bad ones and it is sad thinking back those days. But as time passes by, i start to thank these people. Back then, it is a total shameful thing to mention because you're laugh at, people correct you right into your face and what not having people telling you with a looking-down-on-you intonation. But then again, these are the people that helps you the most. Having a mind set to learn and not give up and what not to prove them wrong although it is hard. After all, it is effort and determination that counts. I would think that it is a good starting when you leave the place you fall to stand again. It is like having a new you to take up the courage to talk confidently and learn from mistakes. You fall to learn but you don't learn to fall.  However, this have became a traumatic experience in many things. Anyway, Guess what! I'm learning something that shame me the most in the past. Time have get harder the moment i step into this stage. I don't expect too much but to finish everything on time and do the things I've been wanting to.

Here is something for us to ponder on - When you're doing any group work, Have you ever thought that someone in your group is the outcast? yes? But, have you ever know that you're the outcast between the better ones? So, don't always think highly of ourselves because we are not perfect.
