June 06, 2015

Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 – Day 5

Day 5, going to leave this lovely place in two days. How fast time flies without us noticing. We aren't prepared to leave and get back to our busy life. Anyway, we will be going to Jiu Fen and Dan Shui today. Our initial plan was to go Dan Shui yesterday but since aunt and uncle brought us to somewhere else, we postponed it to this day. As for Jiu Fen, we planned to go Shi Fen and Ping Xi also. However, due to the limited hour we have and since we don't put lattern 天灯 at Shi Fen. So we just cancel it off in order for us to make it to Dan Shui. The day begins with Mos Burger breakfast. We saw quite a number of Mos Burger shop in Gao Xiong and Tai Zhong but we don't know what does it sell till uncle and aunt told us yesterday. They told us that this burger is different from MCD's burger by it's bread. Mos burger uses rice to make it (hope I didn't get it wrong). Must Try! There is one really near the place we stay so we had a try.

It is really delicious and incomparable with MCd's burger. I will come here again during my next trip to Taiwan. I also love the atmosphere in this restaurant. It was a great start to this day.  

A TaiPei MRT route before continuing...

We are at Nan Jing Dong Lu road currently and want to walk to Guo fu ji nian guan MRT station and go to Zhong Xiao Sing Shen station to take a direct bus to Jin Gua Shi 金瓜石 (somewhere near Jiu fen). With this, we don't need to make any transit. So we started to walk and the MRT station is quite far away, it took us around 20minutes.


Take a look with the numbers of motorcycle at Tai Pei! 20150522_085459

So after a long morning walk, we reach the MRT station of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Station. It was just a few stops away from ZhongXiao FuXing station.

Exit 1 to take direct bus to Jin Gua Shi

When was looking for bus station and check whether we are at the right place. There was a lot of drivers or promoters(?) there. We didn't know what are they promoting and just ignore them. Then a guy approached us and told us that the 1062 bus to Jiu Fen has changed to Nan Jing Dong Lu section 5 near Tasty. Then he told us that he is here to bring us there 40minutes ride with 200nt per person. Comparing taking the bus, bus takes up to an hour plus to reach at the price of 120nt. So he says that if we agree with it, they will look for another 2 person to share the car. After some discussion, since it save some time and the price is not too expensive, so we agreed. Talking about Jiu Fen you can visit me. Because this website written very clearly.

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We left ZhongXiao FuXing at 9.50am with the others. We reach our destination, Jin Gua Shi around 10.30am. Below is how the taxi(cab) looks like.

This is the entrance of Jin Gua Shi and you will see a tourist information center after the entrance. We asked about Jin Gua Shi and they gave us a map regarding the schedule of bus, the route and the scenery spot around that area.
Stairs and stairs and stairs. Will reach after climbing all the stairs but no worries, you can do it because it is not that tiring.


You will see this on your right and you know you've reach the Gold building.

Inside the Gold Building


After visiting the Gold Building, we planned to catch the 12noon bus to Jiu Fen. We quickly visit the other few places that we haven't visit. For example the price's palace. We wanted to visit the Japanese House but we need to wait for 10minuted for the previous group to come out. We have no choice but to leave.

We went back to the place we came and while waiting for the bus to come in a few minutes, a taxi driver approached us and ask where are we going. He charge us 30nt per person to Jiu Fen. He drop us at the bus stop and we just need to walk down the street and that is Jiu Fen old street. 20150522_115857

We had a 'Doremon Pie' for 30nt


You can see dogs everywhere. Some says that only rich will have pet at home because it is costly.


I pass by this shop and was thinking is this the famous one that everyone recommend to eat when we go Jiu Fen.


I wasn't confirm so i just walk further up and saw it.
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Remember to sit beside the window to get a good view


It is time for lunch and we walk back to the entrance we came. On the way out, my brother saw this shop selling fried ice-cream and peanut shop so he bought one and try. It is really tasty. Get one for yourself when you are there ya.


We had our lunch here, somewhere near the exit.


 After our lunch, is time to head back to Tai Pei City and go Dan Shui by MRT. We walked back to the bus stop where the taxi uncle drop us at just now to wait for a bus. While waiting, we saw a taxi(cab) so we asked what price does he offer to bring us to Tai Pei City. He told us 300nt per person so we doesn't want and he offer 250nt. We still felt a little expensive and asked for 200nt per person but he doesn't want. There comes a bus when we were getting for a better price. Then we told him we will be going down with the bus and the bus costs 100nt (1.5hours) to Zhong Xiao Fu Xing MRT station. Is either you enjoy the scenery and sleep in the bus or you exchange time with money.

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We are back to the city. Sat MRT at 3pm and reach Dan Shui station at 3.21pm (we thought it would take up an hour to reach). You can just follow the direction of the colour to get to the correct place then only you see which one is the correct platform.


We went to the information center to ask for a map first before starting our half day at Dan Shui. We head to a convenient shop to grab some food after that. I would recommend the coffee and bread I bought.



We don't know where to start so we just walk along the sea side. You could see many shops on your right and sea of your left. The scenery was so beautiful! It would be better if the cloud does not cover the upper part of the mountain.

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We were told that we could go over to Bali 八里 when we are at Dan Shui. We didn't know where to get ticket will we saw the boat and the counter at the opposite. It only cost us 45nt for two way trip.

We reach in 10minutes but shops at bali wasn't operating. Shops as in those near the sea side. We just had our walk on the path and enjoy yourselves there. Picture below is a grand restaurant at Bali.


There isn't much for us to see so we decided to go back to Dan Shui. Before heading back, we saw a street of stalls selling food so we went and get fried sotong. The fried sotong isn't expensive. If you're a seafood lover, you can go to Bali to get some because they sell variety of it.


Fried sotong with mayonnaise and wasabi at the side. I ate a few, not much because I didn't really like the kind of smell. Leaving Bali back to Dan Shui.

The grand on boat restaurant


A random picture of the map we got from the tourist information center

Another random picture of the fire station with cute fire fighter. 20150522_175656
We were looking for food because it is time for dinner but we don't get any and we just continue walking towards Fort San Domingo.20150522_181644 
 scenery before going down the stairs. pretty!


We went back to the front gate after touring. We was looking for church and went up the hill on our left. It is Aletheia University. It is so big and there must be a place in the university for a good sunset view.

After walking for 10-15minutes up the hill, we finally get to the area where students hangout. At this place, we could get so many shops and definitely a place for dinner. This shop is a very famous place for local breakfast. Glad to have a meal here and could  proudly tell the others we came for a 道地美食 authentic cuisine.

两个 招牌豆芽菜蛋饼 + 一碗 热豆浆 = 很好吃啊!
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It was 9.30pm when we left church at head to MRT station. Since we didn't had time to go to the old street so we went before heading back to the place we stay. How good if most of the shop still open and if it doesn't rain. First time raining for that day. So me and my brother bought some souvenir. The shop we brought from has a better price compare with the other shops. The sales girl was also very kind and friendly.


The cheapest I found, one for 70nt. Other shops not only in Dan Shui sell up to 120nt. They are also very kind to give me small plastic pockets knowing that I'll be giving my friends.


Taking the MRT back before 12midnight because the MRT stop operating at that time. We really had a great day. Dan Shui, wait for me, I'll come back again. I missed out the shops there and the fisherman wharf and Lover's Bridge. Day 5 a great day and tomorrow will be too!

Previous Post: Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day 4   Feng Jia – Ye Liu – Tai Pei
Next Up: Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 – Day 6   Tai Pei – City Tour

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