June 15, 2015

DIY Windmill

I spent the last 2 weekend by Doing-it-yourself (DIY) Windmill paper model I bought from Carton King, Taiwan.

Have you read my blog post of my Taiwan trip travelogue? Nope? Check this out! This links to the preparation post of my travelogue. You can just scroll down to view my day 1 to day 7 post.

I bought this during my third day Tai Zhong hired a cab day trip at the price of 120nt.


You'll see all this that I've lay out once you open the box. The first question that will come to everyone's mind is which to start of with? I saw 2 instruction paper so I take a look with both and start of with the easier piece.

The things on the top of the picture is what I did first before continuing with the model.


It is the box that I did. Find it out on the top of the picture below.


So now, Let's get started with the Windmill model! Note that the model instruction paper is in Mandarin. You might need to get help from someone or Mr.Google.


Before that, make sure you get everything needed by your side.
- Cutting board, White glue, Small Blade and a sharp pointed tweezers/Curved forceps.


I was using the glue in green bottle(picture above) at the beginning of this DIY but i find out that it isn't sticky. Thank God I found a White Glue at my house if not I couldn't continue with my DIY. Must get a White Glue!

A few pictures of my process.

Starting of with the body
The house

The foundation


And then the details of the parts


Combine the 3 together and that's it!


Next, put it into the box that I did earlier then glue the fence, sheep, ladder and the "signboard" (sounded like a shop) and that' it!


It sounded very simple right?

But everything took me around 1 hour ++ (almost 2 hours). It remember this is a 3 stars rating model that will take up to 2 hours as written on the packaging. What takes time is the details, the tiny parts of the model.

They provide the box so that you can keep or display or even giving it as a gift without "hurting" it.


So this come to an end of this



Great day ahead,

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