July 21, 2015

Penang Island 4D3N June 2015 – Day 3 & 4

It's the 3rd day! 
Remember I mentioned that aunty wanted to bring us to the famous Chay Keow Teou? but we were too full? So early in the morning around 8.30am, aunty and uncle brought us to the hawker stall near Zoo Road for breakfast. I ordered Chay Keow Teou and it was just okay for me. I remember there is one very famous Chay Keow Teou stall opposite a police station over at Pulau Tikus. I miss that plate of Chay Keow Teou deeply! But due the inconvenience and I wasn't sure the exact location, I didn't make it there. 


The plan for the day was to go for shopping at several shopping malls and to worship 牛奶神. Since I don't really shop and I don't worship the god, I've decided to meet up with my Penang friend. It is Saturday and is a day for church so I went to church around 11am and help out with the activities they will be having for the day.

It was around 4.30pm after service and we all went to Penang hill. It was my first time there despite visiting Penang for more than 5 times. So here we are and I wasn't too excited because I think it will be some ordinary tourist spot.

Where is it? 

So reached Air Itam Penang hill around 5.30pm

Bought the ticket right after we reach(many people, be fast) while others taking photos.

After buying tickets, walk to the entrance and start lining up for the cable car for about 30mins.

Taking this picture inside the cable car while going up to the hill top

A beautiful view looking down 

It was cooling and humid up the Penang hill and took the photos below near the cable car stop. It was really beautiful and I didn't expect so much.

You'll have around 8minutes walk up. There is a space that gets to see Penang and you'll be able to spot Penang bridge! The time you visit really matters, you'll know why later on. Too many beautiful pictures I don't usuaully get to take and see.You'll be able to see a very big word behind, BUKIT BENDERA (Penang hill). That's where I took all these pictures.


After taking photos, we headed to the other side of Penang hill, which is the love lock and canon. After visiting those places then we went back to the first we were at for night view! Below is only a picture of the night view because snapping night views using handphone don't give the best out of it.

Time to leave, time for dinner. It was already 8pm I guess. We need to wait for our turn to board of the cable car and that alone took us around 45minutes. The locals were deciding where to eat and was told that gurney drive is for tourist, not the locals and the food there isn't tasty. Therefore we went to Northam Beach Cafe for dinner or supper

We order a lot and so we can taste a little of every varieties. 
Jawa Mee, Fried Oyster, Curry Mee, Chay Keow Teou, Rojak, Ikan Bakar, etc.



ABC (Ais Batu Campur in Melay Language) refers to shaved ice.

That ends day 3 with delicious Malaysian local food. Leaving tomorrow! 

Day 4!
We will be leaving after lunch and so we did not really go out this day. We went to buy some local famous biscuit before leaving Penang.


So it is time to leave after 4 days at Penang. The friend that fetch us was so kind to buy us cold 豆腐花/Tau Fu Fah (Cantonese) for us. He bought it at Air Itam, somewhere near Penang Hill. It taste good but unfortunately, I'm not sure where to get this. I'll try to find it out and update it here.

"For every beginning there is an ending, with every ending there is a new beginning"

Time to get back to classes and assessments. Looking forward to more trips. 

They might not see this but I would like to thank my friend's family for allowing us to stay 3 nights and have so many meals at their place. Really grateful for the hospitality and sacrificing up their rest time for us.  Good-bye and take care! 

To readers: We only spent around RM100 for this budgeted trip. The transportation up to Penang costs RM20 per trip. If you're planning a 4D3N trip there, accommodation and few meals will be around RM150.
Gentle reminder: Curry Mee and Mixed pig intestine porridge in Penang has pig blood. If you CAN'T eat, remember to inform when ordering. 

Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to comment below if you have any thoughts or questions. 

Have a nice day!
Signing out,

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