July 09, 2015

How many language(s) do you know?

What language do I speak?
Mandarin, English, Malay language

How well do you masters these languages?
I speak Mandarin well but I don't really master it and same goes to English. For Malay language, I only speak when it is necessary.

Do you think being a multilingual benefits you?

Speaking about language, there will be many questions that will pop out in your mind, not only those I've stated. I really benefits you if you know more than 2 languages. You'll be in the top list when applying for a job. Not only that, you will get to have more knowledge in terms of their country and culture. People will also love to talk to you because you are knowledgeable and you're able to talk about anything. About people's culture and open to any questions. If you love to travel and have the ability to, you will be enjoying your trip having native to help you when you speak their language.  However, how well do you master those languages? This question can means a lot. It can help to motivate you to be better because in order to master a language, it is not as easy as you think.
Talking about me, Mandarin is my mother tongue and the language I communicate in the most daily. English is my second language and is one of the main language I use in studies. Malay language is my national language and I don't speak it too often unless it is needed. For example, buying food. Also, I'm currently learning Korean Language and I had sort of like have a pause to it due to my studies that is getting hectic. Looking forward to learn more language but due to being a slow learner, I take up lots of time learning.

I think having the opportunity to speak to native speakers is a golden opportunity because you will tend to remind yourself not to mix any language in and use proper and correct words and vocabularies. It is definitely a better opportunity to improve and reflect your level of that language. Most might feel shy and don't dare to speak but when you speak, people will guide you and that's a learning process. Learning a language trains your confidence. If you only know a little of each language, then we shouldn't say we know that language. Knowing a language is to be able to speak and listen; knowing how to read and write will be even better. People look up on you too. People now a days are really materialistic.

Like what I've mentioned in my blog post before this, if you are interested in a language and knowing that it is not widely used, don't hesitate to pick it up because it will be useful. When you're interested in a language, you will find an opportunity to go to the country for a visit. Applying what you've learn will make you feel really proud of yourself.

I've been watching many South Korea variety shows and there are a hand full of foreign citizen that moved there and be famous. People from all over the world. They speaks good Korean and did not return their mother tongue or other languages even when they have been there for years. Dream on, don't stop yourself. Most importantly, pursue after your dream and be realistic.


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