June 23, 2015

A Review on my Taiwan Trip

Without me noticing, it has been a month since I came back to my homeland from Taiwan. This is not the first trip I had but is the first trip I learn, gain and experience the most. The countries I've been to was my neighbour country, Singapore and China. The China trip (N years ago) was a family trip and the purpose was to visit the relative of the older generation (故乡). I was still young and so had a blur memory of it.

However, this Taiwan trip was different, why?

A) Did the research myself

I did 95% of the research regrading all about the trip and I complained and felt really stress for like 2 months. 2 months is quite short for preparation, you can start earlier. The other 2 members did not really help out for some good, strong and reasonable reason. Since I am excited and hope everything runs smoothly, I had to take up this job(I'm the one asking permission to go too). After all the complains, when the day to depart is near, I know I will be a good tour guide despite my first time there.

1. I joined a Taiwan interaction group(Platform to ask questions and get information) on Facebook (click me). Members of the group will ask and share things related to Taiwan. 
2. You need to be interested in doing (daily) research.
3. Bookmark websites you found and write down any useful information in a book. Preparing a book for the trip is essential! Don't hesitate to scribe your book because it is better to check information in your book before typing a 70% confirmed agenda into your computer.
4. Check all the websites you bookmarked when you have time. Delete bookmarks that are no longer needed.
5. Send out as many e-mail as long as you have enquiry. Don't hesitate because the question or problem will stick with you throughout your planning.

This is the start of having a brief idea on which state to go and the places to visit.

B) Have a better understanding

I already have a picture on how things will be after all the research from thousand websites and photos. The reason I plan my trip to Gao Xiong, Tai Zhong and Tai Pei is because:

1. I visit my brother at Gao Xiong and we decided to tour from the south to the north.  Spending a day(we are short of time too) at Gao Xiong is enough to visit some of the recommended places.
2. My dad studied at Tai Zhong back then and so we got to know this state(second largest state) and did research.
3. Nan Tou is the only district that is not beside the sea. Can't miss it when you're at Tai Zhong because it is just beside.
3. Tai Pei, the capital of the country. A must visit state at Taiwan.

Some might think that we need to visit places the tour group will not bring us to but I personally think that it is a must to visit signature places(is okay if it isn't all, there's the reason to go again next time) because you don't want to come back going to places no one knows right. 

C) Seek advice on the itinerary

Since I have a siblings over there, I send him the itinerary to check so that I can make any amendments. Amendment after amendments, No one can run away from it as long as the day is not here because amendments can still be made last minute or on that day.
Hand write a draft ( any information related to the trip), type it into Microsoft Word or Excel format and the one in the computer is your first itinerary. And then send your itinerary to whoever that can help out and give good advice. Don't sit and wait for good Samaritan, have the initiative if not no one knows what do you need.  
You can write a brief outline of your agenda in the Facebook group I mentioned above. You'll get good advice like how I had and remember to state if you don't want anyone to promote anything.

D) Do more research, Amend 

After sending out your itinerary and getting back view points, don't just listen but to also do research on things people suggest and see whether it suit your group or not. Don't squeeze too many places or activities in a day because you hope to cover more places and get yourself exhausted during your trip. Remember, you want to enjoy your trip there, not to get sick and ruin your plan. Therefore, always spare some time in your itinerary. For example, time waiting for bus, meal time and others.

Why do research before hand?

1. You don't learn their culture when you're there, you experience it there
2. To have a direction. Don't get cheated, facial expression tells it all
3. Estimate your budget
4. Book accommodation, transportation, etc one month before (get cheaper price)
5. Be organize

What I learned during and after the trip:

1. Stay positive at all time
2. Bring 7 clothes for 7 days (you wont wear as many as you thought)
3. Knowing how to speak mandarin has great advantage, less obstacles
4. Take good care of your belongings
5. Make sure everyone are aware of the plan for the day
6. Don't call someone to plan your trip for you. It is better to seek advice and ask for opinions. *
7. Be ready physically and mentally
8. It's normal to get lost. But remember to ask and don't waste time looking for blind things
9. Write down places you miss (preparation for the next trip there)
10. Play the whole day, rest well at night for the next day.
11. Travel with partner(s). Solve problems together and take care of each other.
12. Taiwan people are really kind and helpful 

That's all for now. Will add on things if I missed out any. Hope you enjoyed reading, Have a nice day. Good bye.

Don't be discourage over places you missed, that's the reason to be there next time. - Gie

*take extra note

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