June 25, 2015

Easiest Language in the World

I want to learn a new language and was thinking which is the best although I already have a few in mind. Just so that I don't choose to learn the wrong language. However, there is no such thing as a wrong language because every language is useful. If you're same as me, thinking of which language to learn or you're interested in learning a language. Continue reading. If you're not interested to learn any new language(s), continue reading because you might find it interesting.

1. Language you're not interested

Some might be really interested in learning language and choose to learn language(s) they are interested. However, some learn language for the sake of learning. It may be true that some learn a certain language because they need to use it. For example, studying abroad. It is a need to learn so that there won't be much communication barrier in a foreign land. In this case, we need to learn until which level? Level that is enough for communication or to learn on and on? There are a lot of advantages knowing more languages and why not learn on. However, it would be really hard to continue on if you're not interested in learning it. One will forget the language sooner or later. Besides, gaining interest in a specific language is needed too. If you're not going to Asia, then you can take up the second widely used language, Spanish. I would suggest you to learn Mandarin if you're at Asia. You can also see it the other way, choose a language, learn the language and you get the opportunity to go to country that speaks that language.

2. Language that doesn't give motivation

 Motivation? I think to have motivation is important, it keeps you moving, but where does this motivation comes from? From yourself and from others. It is important that we ourselves are interested in doing something then we could easily motivate ourselves. If we are not interested in doing it, we still need to motivate ourselves and from people you inspire. Many things that happen in our live is not something we want for look forward to, but we need to make sure we don't run out of the correct track just because we don't like it. So we need to motivate ourselves and only then we could stay. Even if it is a little longer because you never know what is infront. Be positive!


 In order to be good in a language, you need to Listen, Speak, Write and Practice.

Listen - you'll be able to learn a language by just listening but you're speaking will not be good. This way of learning a language works. There are a lot of examples out there. Most learn a listen through movies, shows and others.

Speak -  There are website that allows us to find a teacher or be a tutor. We can look for a teacher for the time being to sharpen our language skill. Listening is not enough for learning a language, learning a language comes in a package. Therefore, we need not to be shy to speak even we are a laughing stock because that's how we get better.

Write - Many learners skip this part because they think they won't be needing it and can save up time. Like I said before, learning a language is like a package, why not earn everything and you can proudly announce you know a language. If you did not learn due to some reason, you are encourage to pick it up anytime. Just that don't leave it hanging. Be discipline! You can buy an exercise book from the book store. Not only that, you can get job opportunities and travel without fear of language.

Practice - Practice makes perfect, have you heard of this before? Don't stop practicing, Don't stop sharpening it. Practicing is best through conversation with someone. So you can learn better and clearer.

4. Does not stress you up

The easiest in the world is language that does not make you feel afraid. Learning a language can be tiring and a little stress. You need to overcome it knowing their is bright light shinning infront of the path you're walking on now. Try your best to memories vocabularies daily. It can be only 5 vocabularies or up to 10 vocabularies. You can always cut down some if you think it is a burden to memorize so many. I would tell you not to memorise more than 10 vocabularies. Give your self a test after 3 days or end of the week. If you memorise 10 vocabularies everyday, then you will have 70 in your brain and on the test paper.  

5. Having a Language Partner

Language partner can be someone you know or someone you don't know. You might think that you've saved up money to have a friend as your language partner(apply to those that learn language yourself). But a friend will feel irritating when you ask for many times. Worse case, it can spoil a relationship. Just liken to having a friend as your roommate. You might not be okay with his/her living habit or you stay with someone with OCD or you yourself is OCD and have a roommate that is really messy. Won't you get fed up? haha. Therefore, it is preferably to learn from someone you don't know. For example, italki. You get to choose your tutor and pay to tutor that suits you. You can always change your tutor if you find him/her not suitable for you. Their objective is to teach you a language and won't get fed up to your snail learning productivity. Not only that, you get to choose your time.


Coming to a conclusion, language is never hard if you see it in a different way.  

Hope you did enjoy reading, have a nice day.
signing out,

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