June 04, 2015

Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 - Day 4

It's 21 May 2015 Thursday!
Today is the day to leave Tai Zhong to Tai Pei. All of us was really exhausted yesterday so we woke up late. We should have boarded 自强号 (train) at 8.35am but it was already 7.50am when we woke up, 8.10am when we check-out and 8.20am when we got a taxi to the train station. I know we wont be able to board on 8.35am train because going to the train station takes us 20minutes or more. However, my mum call us to be fast atleast we try and dont waste an hour or two waiting for the next train.
Already 8.50am when we reach the train station. we run to the counter and ask the time for the next train. Thank God that he told us there is one coming and it was like 3minutes till departure! So haven't take our breakfast so we just run to the nearest bread shop and bought one for ourselves.
bread - 28nt
375nt per person from Tai Zhong train station to Tai Pei train station. It was a 3 hours journey. We was so tired that three of us slept in 10minutes after it left. Sad to say that we didn't really get to sleep because our luggage is squeezing with us. I was sleeping beside the walk way so my leg was slanting towards the corridor and my leg got kick often. That was the main reason. Therefore, I like Ubus that i sat from Gao XIong to Tai Zhong more. haha!
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You can check all about train at this website - click me
The train reach on time and it was 11.10am. We need to wait till around 12.30pm for a aunt. So we put our luggage in this locker first before we decide where to go.
Please note that there are a lot locker at Tai Pei main station. Please remember the locker number for your on ease. 3 hours for a big locker costs 50nt and 3 hours small locker costs about 30nt.
After putting it in the locker, we head to Tai Pei underground street. The underground street is quite big and we didn't manage to finish everything in 1.5hours. I bought 2 pair of socks, 80nt for both and a pair of shoe, 390nt.20150521_12395120150521_113227
There are many exit at the station and we went to the east gate to wait for aunt. We passed by this main hall which sells train ticket. This hall looks nice isn't it? But we didn't have much time so we left after taking photos. This speaks why this photo is blur.
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"There are only 3 meal time a day, so let's eat something good since we are here"
Aunt and uncle brought us to a Japanese Restaurant 银河堂 for lunch. You can see quite a number of Japanese restaurant or Japanese kind of street at Taiwan, especially TaiPei. Both the picture below are the small dishes we ordered and it was really delicious. The fried chicken smell good, taste good and it is juicy. The one that looks like french fries is Fried Ramen and it unexpectedly delicious. I didn't expect much from it at first. Lastly, I don't think anyone can get that fish in Malaysia. It is really nice to take it with the sauce when it is hot.
Chinese always says:
"趁热吃不然不好吃。" (eat when it is still warm or it doesn't taste good when it is cold.)
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After our meal, they decided to bring us to Ye Liu 野柳 because he thinks that the ride there the next morning will take quite long and waste time so he brought us there. He and his wife is our tour guide for the day. First of all, we departed from Tai Pei city so he introduce us some places that we passed by. First was the new Dome 小巨蛋 that was under construction at the city. Yesterday's paper(20/5) says that the construction work has stopped and all workers need to leave that area. Therefore, we saw a number of reporter at the main gate waiting for some news and to interview the management there. Hope everything goes alright over there anyway. 20150521_141852 20150521_142324They also showed us the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 国父纪念馆 and told us how to reach there on our Day 6 from the place we stay.
Before we continue our journey, aunt and uncle bought coffee and some snacks to eat during our an hour ride there. After around 40minutes of chit chat, we have reached 北海岸 North shore of Taiwan and the weather was just right. It was very windy and the scenery was beautiful that me and my brother kept taking photos. Uncle also stopped by and let us take some better photos down the car.
The third picture below: You can see a mountain from far and that is Ji Long 基隆。 The origin of the word 基隆 was from 鸡笼(chicken cage) because it looks like it.
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We arrive at our destination! Please note that it close at 5pm so remember to be there before they close. Uncle bought the ticket for us when we were at the toilet. When i came out, I was surprise to see that I'm having a student ticket - 40nt when they didn't authenticate and request for student ID. They trust us! I admire it! Hope there isn't any of their customers cheat/cheated them with their trust towards us. Adult ticket is 80nt by the way.
We didn't really take many pictures because our phone's battery is running low! how sad it is! After all, we got to see it with the pair of eyes we have. How I hope I can take pictures by blink my eyes.
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There are tourists that does not obey the rules when it write there 'Do not cross this line'. Therefore, the guard is there to take care of the place. I was told that the Queen's Head has got small in size now. It was bigger back then and believe that it was due to the weather and some other circumstances. Some says that it will break in few years time. So do take care of it when you are there. Remember not to apply flash light too.
Spot the slipper
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I love this place and sad that it started to rain before we finish visiting the place. You can visit this website (click me1 or click me 2) if you are going as a backpacker. It was already around 5pm and since the rain gets heavier, so we had to leave and go back to Tai Pei city for dinner.
We went to this restaurant - Tasty 西提牛排, a full course restaurant at Nan Jing Dong Lu Section 5 南京东路五段 for dinner. Since it is a full course restaurant, the menu is separated with few types to choose for each course. 6 course + 1 drink and a small refillable cup of passion fruit smoothie.
Whole course costs 518nt and it is very reasonable! It has really good service and thumbs up for their food. They display the food properly for every course. Not to mention that most of the waiters, waitresses and cooks are culinary art students. So it is liken to a practice for them in this restaurant after their class. Don't forget to book a place for yourselves because it is full every night especially weekend.
Mouthwatering by looking at the photo only? Go and try it, you won't regret!
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8.30pm, finished our really delightful dinner at Tasty and is time to head back to the place we stay. Thank you uncle and aunt for the day. So I wanted to go out to have a walk after a really full meal, my stomach was bloated. But there was a miscommunication and we stayed at home the night. That's good too. We need to rest so that we can visit more places.
That's all for Day 4. Hope everyone love reading and don't hesitate to comment or suggest anything. I'm willing to receive any suggestion and will answer any question that I know. :) Stay tune for Day 5

Previous Post: Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day3    Pu Li – Qing Jing – Feng Jia
Next Up: Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day 5   Tai Pei – Jiu Fen – Dan Shui

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