September 01, 2015

How to save money?

I'm back after a month, was busy with my academic and my finals is just around the corner. Anyway, did you save any money every month? Why is saving important? I believe most readers reading this have face this kind of question in your examination paper so you know it well. Some of the reason will be emergency use, to get something for yourself, the key to travel and many other reasons.
As a university student, I think this is very important and it should be in one's discipline list. Spending money is never hard but saving money is something to learn. Therefore, in order to have some saving, one need to remember a few things.

1) Health

Do not neglect your health just because of saving money. If you are sick you need money to consult the doctor or to buy some medication. So don't 'spoil' your body when saving. Taking care of our body and stay safe should be in the top list in everything to do. Be healthy and stay strong to keep on fighting.

2) Identify your needs

Needs are the things you really need while wants is something you can not have it.
For example, cornflakes can be your needs or wants. why? need=breakfast; wants=snacks

3) Record book

Prepare a book to record the expenses for the day and be discipline to do it daily and make it a good habit. Not only to record, set a daily budget, know how much you can use daily and don't over spent.

4) Do your math

Know how much you get per month and decide how much you want to save, set a minimum sum and the others will be your left over amount for you to spent that month. However, remember to spend whatever necessary and it will be great to save more than the amount you want to save per month.

There are also a few things to note:

People think you are stingy and anti-social because when you tend to save money, you'll somehow reject people's invitation for high price restaurant meals, some activities like karaoke and others. You can go, don't restrict yourself. So plan your finance properly and carefully.

Don't forget you can also cook yourself and it is not just cheaper but also healthy. You can control the amount of oil and salt you want to add into your food. There are a lot of website that teach you how to cook on net. Mr.Google is your best companion and helper.

A good practice to do, start it today, it is never too late.
That's all for now, All the best!

Stay tune for more post.

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