June 25, 2015

Handle with Wisdom

Re-do does not exist, 
Regret does not count, 
Take it preciously for it is fragile.

Easiest Language in the World

I want to learn a new language and was thinking which is the best although I already have a few in mind. Just so that I don't choose to learn the wrong language. However, there is no such thing as a wrong language because every language is useful. If you're same as me, thinking of which language to learn or you're interested in learning a language. Continue reading. If you're not interested to learn any new language(s), continue reading because you might find it interesting.

1. Language you're not interested

Some might be really interested in learning language and choose to learn language(s) they are interested. However, some learn language for the sake of learning. It may be true that some learn a certain language because they need to use it. For example, studying abroad. It is a need to learn so that there won't be much communication barrier in a foreign land. In this case, we need to learn until which level? Level that is enough for communication or to learn on and on? There are a lot of advantages knowing more languages and why not learn on. However, it would be really hard to continue on if you're not interested in learning it. One will forget the language sooner or later. Besides, gaining interest in a specific language is needed too. If you're not going to Asia, then you can take up the second widely used language, Spanish. I would suggest you to learn Mandarin if you're at Asia. You can also see it the other way, choose a language, learn the language and you get the opportunity to go to country that speaks that language.

2. Language that doesn't give motivation

 Motivation? I think to have motivation is important, it keeps you moving, but where does this motivation comes from? From yourself and from others. It is important that we ourselves are interested in doing something then we could easily motivate ourselves. If we are not interested in doing it, we still need to motivate ourselves and from people you inspire. Many things that happen in our live is not something we want for look forward to, but we need to make sure we don't run out of the correct track just because we don't like it. So we need to motivate ourselves and only then we could stay. Even if it is a little longer because you never know what is infront. Be positive!


 In order to be good in a language, you need to Listen, Speak, Write and Practice.

Listen - you'll be able to learn a language by just listening but you're speaking will not be good. This way of learning a language works. There are a lot of examples out there. Most learn a listen through movies, shows and others.

Speak -  There are website that allows us to find a teacher or be a tutor. We can look for a teacher for the time being to sharpen our language skill. Listening is not enough for learning a language, learning a language comes in a package. Therefore, we need not to be shy to speak even we are a laughing stock because that's how we get better.

Write - Many learners skip this part because they think they won't be needing it and can save up time. Like I said before, learning a language is like a package, why not earn everything and you can proudly announce you know a language. If you did not learn due to some reason, you are encourage to pick it up anytime. Just that don't leave it hanging. Be discipline! You can buy an exercise book from the book store. Not only that, you can get job opportunities and travel without fear of language.

Practice - Practice makes perfect, have you heard of this before? Don't stop practicing, Don't stop sharpening it. Practicing is best through conversation with someone. So you can learn better and clearer.

4. Does not stress you up

The easiest in the world is language that does not make you feel afraid. Learning a language can be tiring and a little stress. You need to overcome it knowing their is bright light shinning infront of the path you're walking on now. Try your best to memories vocabularies daily. It can be only 5 vocabularies or up to 10 vocabularies. You can always cut down some if you think it is a burden to memorize so many. I would tell you not to memorise more than 10 vocabularies. Give your self a test after 3 days or end of the week. If you memorise 10 vocabularies everyday, then you will have 70 in your brain and on the test paper.  

5. Having a Language Partner

Language partner can be someone you know or someone you don't know. You might think that you've saved up money to have a friend as your language partner(apply to those that learn language yourself). But a friend will feel irritating when you ask for many times. Worse case, it can spoil a relationship. Just liken to having a friend as your roommate. You might not be okay with his/her living habit or you stay with someone with OCD or you yourself is OCD and have a roommate that is really messy. Won't you get fed up? haha. Therefore, it is preferably to learn from someone you don't know. For example, italki. You get to choose your tutor and pay to tutor that suits you. You can always change your tutor if you find him/her not suitable for you. Their objective is to teach you a language and won't get fed up to your snail learning productivity. Not only that, you get to choose your time.


Coming to a conclusion, language is never hard if you see it in a different way.  

Hope you did enjoy reading, have a nice day.
signing out,

June 23, 2015

Exhcanging postcards

Good evening fellow readers. I just started my trimester and was having a one month trimester break. When I came back, the first thing i thought of was - postcards.

January this year, my Thursday class was until afternoon only. So February is the celebration of Chinese New Year and our university will always have flee market at the canteen. So I decided to go to the flee market. I was a booth with country flags and it caught my eye. I went over to see what was it, I saw postcards all over the table and was quite curious. A guy approached me and told me what is Postcrossing all about. It is not a club or society of the university. It is a platform for people to exchange postcards. To exchange to people you don't know. Random people from all over the world. At first I felt quite dangerous to put up my address but after having some thought, I agree on joining.

Not only that, they told me that I'll get free postcards upon registering myself. No harm trying because i can just delete it.

It is easy to use and to understand how things goes. The only important thing to see is the side bar of the left. Are you a beginner? You just need to press - send a postcard and then a person's profile will appear. You can write anything on the postcard you want to send. People mostly introduce their country or hobbies.

Besides, a good news to join Postcrossing is that Malaysia is one of the country that require cheap stamp, Rm0.50 to any country. However, you can always paste more for them to collect. 

Link to Postcrossing - https://www.postcrossing.com/
What is Postcrossing - https://www.postcrossing.com/help/what-is-postcrossing

I am staying in a hostel so I need to get my postcard from my hostel office. The reason I thought of blogging this was because of the postcard I received today.

This postcrosser did not send me a postcard but a card inside a envelop. He also gave me a very special stamp.

 What surprises me were the stamps I saw once I open the card. I didn't expect to see these stamps. Really thank Arja for it.

Below is the postcards I received so far. Hope everyone enjoy reading. Don't forget to register yourself at the website too.
Happy Postcrossing!

A Review on my Taiwan Trip

Without me noticing, it has been a month since I came back to my homeland from Taiwan. This is not the first trip I had but is the first trip I learn, gain and experience the most. The countries I've been to was my neighbour country, Singapore and China. The China trip (N years ago) was a family trip and the purpose was to visit the relative of the older generation (故乡). I was still young and so had a blur memory of it.

However, this Taiwan trip was different, why?

A) Did the research myself

I did 95% of the research regrading all about the trip and I complained and felt really stress for like 2 months. 2 months is quite short for preparation, you can start earlier. The other 2 members did not really help out for some good, strong and reasonable reason. Since I am excited and hope everything runs smoothly, I had to take up this job(I'm the one asking permission to go too). After all the complains, when the day to depart is near, I know I will be a good tour guide despite my first time there.

1. I joined a Taiwan interaction group(Platform to ask questions and get information) on Facebook (click me). Members of the group will ask and share things related to Taiwan. 
2. You need to be interested in doing (daily) research.
3. Bookmark websites you found and write down any useful information in a book. Preparing a book for the trip is essential! Don't hesitate to scribe your book because it is better to check information in your book before typing a 70% confirmed agenda into your computer.
4. Check all the websites you bookmarked when you have time. Delete bookmarks that are no longer needed.
5. Send out as many e-mail as long as you have enquiry. Don't hesitate because the question or problem will stick with you throughout your planning.

This is the start of having a brief idea on which state to go and the places to visit.

B) Have a better understanding

I already have a picture on how things will be after all the research from thousand websites and photos. The reason I plan my trip to Gao Xiong, Tai Zhong and Tai Pei is because:

1. I visit my brother at Gao Xiong and we decided to tour from the south to the north.  Spending a day(we are short of time too) at Gao Xiong is enough to visit some of the recommended places.
2. My dad studied at Tai Zhong back then and so we got to know this state(second largest state) and did research.
3. Nan Tou is the only district that is not beside the sea. Can't miss it when you're at Tai Zhong because it is just beside.
3. Tai Pei, the capital of the country. A must visit state at Taiwan.

Some might think that we need to visit places the tour group will not bring us to but I personally think that it is a must to visit signature places(is okay if it isn't all, there's the reason to go again next time) because you don't want to come back going to places no one knows right. 

C) Seek advice on the itinerary

Since I have a siblings over there, I send him the itinerary to check so that I can make any amendments. Amendment after amendments, No one can run away from it as long as the day is not here because amendments can still be made last minute or on that day.
Hand write a draft ( any information related to the trip), type it into Microsoft Word or Excel format and the one in the computer is your first itinerary. And then send your itinerary to whoever that can help out and give good advice. Don't sit and wait for good Samaritan, have the initiative if not no one knows what do you need.  
You can write a brief outline of your agenda in the Facebook group I mentioned above. You'll get good advice like how I had and remember to state if you don't want anyone to promote anything.

D) Do more research, Amend 

After sending out your itinerary and getting back view points, don't just listen but to also do research on things people suggest and see whether it suit your group or not. Don't squeeze too many places or activities in a day because you hope to cover more places and get yourself exhausted during your trip. Remember, you want to enjoy your trip there, not to get sick and ruin your plan. Therefore, always spare some time in your itinerary. For example, time waiting for bus, meal time and others.

Why do research before hand?

1. You don't learn their culture when you're there, you experience it there
2. To have a direction. Don't get cheated, facial expression tells it all
3. Estimate your budget
4. Book accommodation, transportation, etc one month before (get cheaper price)
5. Be organize

What I learned during and after the trip:

1. Stay positive at all time
2. Bring 7 clothes for 7 days (you wont wear as many as you thought)
3. Knowing how to speak mandarin has great advantage, less obstacles
4. Take good care of your belongings
5. Make sure everyone are aware of the plan for the day
6. Don't call someone to plan your trip for you. It is better to seek advice and ask for opinions. *
7. Be ready physically and mentally
8. It's normal to get lost. But remember to ask and don't waste time looking for blind things
9. Write down places you miss (preparation for the next trip there)
10. Play the whole day, rest well at night for the next day.
11. Travel with partner(s). Solve problems together and take care of each other.
12. Taiwan people are really kind and helpful 

That's all for now. Will add on things if I missed out any. Hope you enjoyed reading, Have a nice day. Good bye.

Don't be discourage over places you missed, that's the reason to be there next time. - Gie

*take extra note

June 15, 2015

DIY Windmill

I spent the last 2 weekend by Doing-it-yourself (DIY) Windmill paper model I bought from Carton King, Taiwan.

Have you read my blog post of my Taiwan trip travelogue? Nope? Check this out! This links to the preparation post of my travelogue. You can just scroll down to view my day 1 to day 7 post.

I bought this during my third day Tai Zhong hired a cab day trip at the price of 120nt.


You'll see all this that I've lay out once you open the box. The first question that will come to everyone's mind is which to start of with? I saw 2 instruction paper so I take a look with both and start of with the easier piece.

The things on the top of the picture is what I did first before continuing with the model.


It is the box that I did. Find it out on the top of the picture below.


So now, Let's get started with the Windmill model! Note that the model instruction paper is in Mandarin. You might need to get help from someone or Mr.Google.


Before that, make sure you get everything needed by your side.
- Cutting board, White glue, Small Blade and a sharp pointed tweezers/Curved forceps.


I was using the glue in green bottle(picture above) at the beginning of this DIY but i find out that it isn't sticky. Thank God I found a White Glue at my house if not I couldn't continue with my DIY. Must get a White Glue!

A few pictures of my process.

Starting of with the body
The house

The foundation


And then the details of the parts


Combine the 3 together and that's it!


Next, put it into the box that I did earlier then glue the fence, sheep, ladder and the "signboard" (sounded like a shop) and that' it!


It sounded very simple right?

But everything took me around 1 hour ++ (almost 2 hours). It remember this is a 3 stars rating model that will take up to 2 hours as written on the packaging. What takes time is the details, the tiny parts of the model.

They provide the box so that you can keep or display or even giving it as a gift without "hurting" it.


So this come to an end of this



Great day ahead,

June 09, 2015

Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 – Day 7

Is the last day in Taiwan!

We woke up early in the morning and pack our things. Went our for breakfast at 9am. We went to the same shop we had breakfast yesterday. However, we call something we didn't try before. For example, the bun in dark brown(I like it).


We heard a lot of people ordering Fun Tuan 饭团 or Fun Tuan with Egg 饭团加蛋. So we get one for ourselves. We was already full so we just bring back and eat when we are hungry. It is delicious.


After dinner, uncle and aunt fetch us to the places we didn't make it. For example, The President House 总统府. It was raining AGAIN! And they introduced places nearby and bought us small bao 小包(wondering what bao it is? scroll down and you'll see it) for us.

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We took a bus from TaiPei main station East side. There are few bus companies there but the one that goes to Tao Yuan Airport terminal 1 and terminal 2 is Guo Guang Bus 国光巴士. 125nt per person.
The journey took us an hour to Tao Yuan Airport.

Below is a snack that Taiwanese love buying.


The famous bear that people buy. It taste like shandy, it is kinda sweet.


So we arrived at the airport at 12.30pm. We went to look for MAS Airline counter to check-in and drop baggage. And then....


We head down to the food court for our lunch. Because it is quite expensive(the.. is airport) so we share a bowl for two since we will have your meal in the airplane later.

Japanese Ramen 170nt


And this is the small bao 小包 uncle and aunt bought for us. We ate a few when we are at the food court too.

The bao is still fresh and hot. It is different from the bao in Malaysia. Unlike those 叉烧包 Cha Siew Bao.
小包有个薄薄的皮包着一粒充满着汁的肉。当你咬下时,新鲜出炉的口感真的很棒。(describing in mandarin)

It doesn't taste as good as the day it is make if you put it into the refrigerator for some days because the juice inside "went into" the skin of the bao already.

After our meal, it is already 1.20pm and we are just in time to go to the custom.  
Time for boarding! 
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bought a nanoblock and a keychain before going to the boarding hall. The nanoblock costs 240nt but RM36.90 back in Malaysia.
At the waiting hall for a few minutes
MAS Airline is ready to transport their passengers to Malaysia safely.
The rain comes again! Was it a sign of not letting us go?
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Boeing 737-800, not having a tv for entertainment. How sad!

 There was a delay in time about 30-45minutes because of the busy traffic. We was numbered to be the 8th to depart the airport. Not only that, the rain did not stop throughout our 4hours journey back to our homeland.

We was told to put on the safety belt throughout the journey. I would like to thank the pilot, being for experienced to transport so many lives back. We was just happily sleeping in the plane despite knowing that the weather was bad.

Good job pilot!

I've arrived at my homeland, Tanahku, Malaysia.
We really had fun over at Taiwan and hope I could make it there again during another season without the rain.


Waiting for our luggage. Time to say Goodbye to the airports.Thanks for the trip after long years.
Hope you enjoy your time reading my Taiwan travelogue and share with the others.
Feedback and comment are welcomed. Stay tune for more updates. Have a nice day everyone!

My Taiwan Travelogue

Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 – Preparation
Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 – Day 1    Gao Xiong – Xi Zi Wan
Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day2    Gao Xiong – Tai Zhong – Feng Jia
Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day3    Pu Li – Qing Jing – Feng Jia
Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day 4   Feng Jia – Ye Liu – Tai Pei
Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day 5   Tai Pei – Jiu Fen – Dan Shui
Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 – Day 6   Tai Pei – City Tour
Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day 7  Tai Pei – Malaysia

June 08, 2015

Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 – Day 6

Day 6 (Saturday 23/5/15)

Early in the morning, around 8.45am, we was told that there is a market near the house so we went and see what can we get for breakfast. After reaching the other end of the market, we saw a shop with lot of people so we went and take a look with what are they selling. It was those Taiwanese breakfast. Since the queue wasn't too long, so we decided to had our breakfast there.

A variety of food for us to choose. So we just choose one for some of the varieties there.
3 cups of soya bean 温豆浆
2 guo tie 锅贴
1 gao li cai 高丽菜
1 饼 + 蛋 + 油条
= 145nt

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The queue gets longer at 9am onwards. Seems like this is one of the famous shop for breakfast.


After our breakfast, we went to get a bus (number 405) at Nan Jing Dong Lu to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 国父纪念馆. We wanted to go at 9am to watch the soldier exchange ceremony but we couldn't make it at that time for we reach at the next hour(10am).

Having a nice view of Tai Pei 101 at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.

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Not to forget the Dome that was undergoing construction

Hello Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

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The Soldiers exchange Ceremony wasn't as attractive as before. heard that the soldiers actually throw guns and march in a big group. Unlike now, just 3 soldiers.

We left Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall  after taking pictures of the building and TaiPei101. Time to have a closer view of it.

Passed by the City Hall while walking to TaiPei101

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We went in to the building for toilet and for wifi connection and left. haha.

We sat bus from Tai Pei 101 to City Hall station and MRT from City Hall station to Hou Pi Shan station(Wu Fen Pu 五分埔)
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Remember to take exit 4 to Wu Fen Pu 五分埔


And a U-turn after the escalator


We had lunch before shopping at Wu Fen Pu. We saw a food shop at the end of the street(before crossing the crossroads junction).

姐 妹凉面 Sister's Cold Mee (Not sure what is the actual name in English). 3 of us wanted to order only a bowl but the boss told us that we need to order atleast 2bowls because they have limited seats. So we ordered one miso soup and seaweed soup (味增汤 和 紫菜汤) with 2 plates of mee (one original and one spicy).

It is something new to us and it taste good. The spicy mee is quite spicy, so you can call them to put less chilli if needed.

I forget to take pictures of Wu Fen Pu. There are a few streets and we bought 3 clothes in total. The clothes inside the shop isn't cheap. However, you can choose from the rack outside the shop that costs around 100nt to 300nt.

After Wu Fen Pu, we went to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 中正纪念堂.
It is bigger here compare with Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. They also have soldiers exchange Ceremony here and it is quite similar with the one we watch before this.

I would recommend you to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 中正纪念堂.
If you want to know about the history, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall tells more about it.

Saw a few groups of people having practice there. Like the one below, dance practice and others. The hall beside them is for some occasions or performances.

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Soldier Exchange Ceremony is going to start

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It was raining quite heavily when we are leaving.
We went Guang Hua shopping district 光华商圈, a mall that sells IT products after Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.

We only got to know that Guang Hua Shopping District is the old IT products shopping mall. There is a new one beside by the name of San Chuang Sheng Huo 三创生活. We was surprise to know that we need to line up to enter the mall. It says that they are controlling the number of people inside.
After walking 10 steps into the mall. It was like a traffic jam inside! Now I know the reason to queue up before entering. I was follow my brother incase I get lost. The number of people inside is out of what I imagine. Haha!

Most of the products in this mall is updated. I don't usually see it in Malaysia and it is hard to find I guess.
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8F - 12F coming soon!

I'd strongly recommend you this mall if you like to see IT products.
The rain stops when we reach San Chuang Sheng Huo 三创生活. But when we want to leave, it is raining heavily. We took a direct bus back to the place we stay and have a rest before going to Xi Men Ding.
It was 8.30pm when we leave after having dinner to XI Men Ding. It wasn't raining anymore that time but not at Xi Men Ding. The rain never stop since day 3 at Taiwan!

We didn't manage to go many places at Xi Men Ding because of the rain. Thought I could skip this place the next time I go to Taiwan. Seems like I need to go Xi Men Ding again. haha!

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There is this lady performing by the roadside.


Before leaving, we found this shop at 10.30pm and the people there told us to fasten our walking speed before it is sold off. It was quite nice and 3 of us share a big bowl of this Mee 面线.

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Time to go back. It is around 11.20pm when we sat on the MRT back to Nan Jing Dong Lu.


A tearing Day 6. How sad to not have a good, sunny and windy day there. Which season for the next time(dreaming for the next time)? Fall?
Day 6, the second last day. Gonna leave during Day 7. Time to say Goodbye tomorrow.

Previous Post: Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day 5   Tai Pei – Jiu Fen – Dan Shui
Next Up: Taiwan 7D6N May 2015 –  Day 7  Tai Pei – Malaysia (last day)